lepas habis countdown tu,kitrg gerak pg men billiard lak,plan asal nak pg maen2 kt round 1(game centre),tp sbb dak2ni baito shibun(part-time) kol3,terpaksa cancel sbb klo pg round1 cnfirm plg kurang 3jam,so ktrg melencong ke billiard lak...20min 100yen,murah kan?main billiar smp kol 3,besok tu dahla plan nk bgn awal nk rebut fukubukuro,walaupon bajet cipuut je kan,cuci mata pn jd la;)
1hb1 2009
wahh permulaan tahun yg baik tuk fni sbb die berjaya bgn seawal 830pagi(set alarm kol 8 pg,tp sdikit tersasar),haha tp mmg xlena sgt pn tido mlm tu sbb asik terpikir fukubukuro je,hoho...tp malangnye sume org x bgn,sedey gile,kul 10 br smp,da mengamuk2 br nk bgn,huhu sabar jela...mesti ade yg xpuas ati kan,apemende yg fukubukuro ni,dr hritu lg fni duk sbut2,haha lemme explain psal fukubukuro ni...
eh godek wikipedia adelak explaination pasal fukubukuro ni,thanx wiki,bleyh fni copypaste je tuk korg:p
"Fukubukuro (福袋 lucky bag, mystery bag) is a Japanese New Year's Day custom where merchants make grab bags filled with unknown random contents and sell them for a substantial discount, usually 50% or more off the list price of the items contained within. The low prices are usually done to attract customers to shop at that store during the new year. Fukubukuro usually are snapped up quickly by eager customers, with some stores having long lines snake around city blocks hours before the store opens on New Years Day. Formerly, Fukubukuro were an easy way for stores to unload excess and unwanted merchandise from the previous year, due to a Japanese superstition that one must not start the New Year with unwanted trash from the previous year and start clean. Nowadays, Fukubukuro are pushed as a lavish New Year's event rather than a way for stores to get rid of excess merchandise."
ok anak2,suda faham ape itu fukubukuro,bguss,hehe...sbb tula kne bgn awal pg,fukubukuro ni limited je,like satu kedai 500bags je,kalau kedai yg glamer2,mmg org2
*tp kalau pg tokyo mst lg heaven shopping kan,jeleessnye,pk2 balik,nyesal x g tokyo newyear hrtu,mesti cik B shopping zara all out la tu kan,dr haritu lg die x sbr nk tgg newyear,huhu...*
pusing2 kt aeon smp kol 2ptg,pas2 kitrg pergi ke APITA besar lak,beli brg skit..rupanya kt apita lg best berbanding ngan aeon tu,dahla x ramai org sgt,fukubukuro pn byk lg e/thou da petang..lepak apita sampai kol 6 kot,then on our way back,boleyhlak tersinggah kt SATY lak,saje je nk tgk2,skali terbeli jgk,tp kalini banyak beli sorvenior tuk family kt mesia,beli siap2 time sale ni,hehe...
brg2 yg ktrg smpt beli,xbanyak pn,padanla ngn bajet yg ciput tu,huhu..
make up revlon,i loike,mrh gile,2000yen je..kasut nike tu pn murah,one 4 me one 4 my sis..
terbeli fukubukuro baju berharga 5000yen,set dress,legging,muffler,top,shirt,belt,necklace, skinny jean..tp malangnye skinnyjeans tu x muat,haha sape muat jeans size 61cm angkat tgn,fni nk ks present;p...
others semuanya sorveniors tuk bawak balik nnt...
jeng jeng....rahsia,heheothers semuanya sorveniors tuk bawak balik nnt...
en.bf belikan SK-II tuk ibu die,sgt sweet kan?;p..tp mmg berbaloi sebenarnye,beli barang sk2 yen15,000(450rm) ke atas akan dpt fukubukuro free(dlam bag tu ade brg2 sk2 hrg+makeup max factor total 20000yen)*fni curik lipstik satu,muahaha*
sekian crita fni yg tertunggah seminggu...btw,smlm pg main ski lg!kalini nye tmpt lg best dr hrtu,nnt cite nextime k,buhbye...
note:lg 3hri tetamu cikfni da nk balik,emosi pn suda mula xstabil:(
sekian crita fni yg tertunggah seminggu...btw,smlm pg main ski lg!kalini nye tmpt lg best dr hrtu,nnt cite nextime k,buhbye...
note:lg 3hri tetamu cikfni da nk balik,emosi pn suda mula xstabil:(
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