Sunday, November 23, 2008

yoga haram???????

Yoga Ban: Muslim practitioners disappointed

Practitioners, such as instructor and personality Ninie Ahmad, say yoga has evolved and no longer contains religious elements
Practitioners, such as instructor and personality Ninie Ahmad, say yoga has evolved and no longer contains religious elements

KUALA LUMPUR: Muslim yoga practitioners and enthusiasts are disappointed with the National Fatwa Council's move to ban yoga.

They stand their ground that the ancient Indian form of exercise has not shaken their beliefs in Islam.

Yoga, they said, had evolved and become mainstream and no longer had religious elements.

"I believe yoga has not affected or eroded my faith. If anything, yoga is the only exercise which combines stretching, strengthening and balancing movements," yoga instructor and personality Ninie Ahmad said.

She said her faith in Islam was strong although she had been practising and teaching yoga for eight years.
Although worried how the fatwa would affect her business, Ninie, who is the brand ambassador for Adidas yoga line, said she would go ahead with plans to open a three-studio yoga centre in Damansara Perdana next month.

"The show goes on for me. I have invested half a million on this. Yoga is my bread and butter," she said, adding that she was unclear how the ruling would affect her Adidas endorsement.

The centre, to be called Be Yoga, is a Bumiputera-owned company and will be run and operated by Muslims.

"To portray yoga as harmful to one's faith will be a great loss to the country. In Klang Valley alone, there are 30,000 registered yoga practitioners in yoga centres and gyms, and 30 per cent of them are Muslims," Ninie said.

Asked if she was afraid of the repercussions from the authorities, she said that her centre promoted yoga purely as an exercise.

"I'm disappointed that the council failed to see the bigger picture of the benefits of yoga."

A fellow yoga enthusiast, Azzy Soraya, said it was unfair to think that Muslims who practised yoga were a step closer to converting to Hinduism.

"Yoga moved on from its religious roots a long time ago. It's about well-being and all religions encourage their followers to stay healthy."

comment:hurmmmmmm,kalau da ulama2 memutuskan dat yoga is haram,wut else we could do,knela trime pandangan org yg lg arif dlm bab2 agama ni kesian gk die ni ek,sbb business die mmg on yoga je,tp ntahla,cmne ek,kt singapore n mesir mmg da diharamkan bendalah blh ke die nk lawan fatwa council.hurmm ape2 jela...

psst2,yeayyyy,en bf suda tidak blh lg bsg2 suh buat yoga mcm eva dlm desperate housewives tu,muahahaha*pdhl skalipn xpnh bt yoga:D*

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